
The Syllable: Phonotactics and Consonant Clusters

            In this paper authors explain about syllable that consist Phonotactics and consonant clusters. In the final of explanation we make some conclusion about syllable.
            There are many words which speakers of a language use without ever really thinking about their meaning. Most English speakers probably thing they know what a syllable is and yet if asked to define it, might have difficulty in doing so. In the discussions of diphthongs and of the classification of approximants as consonants we stressed the important of syllables when considering the function of the sounds within a particular sound system.

The Syllable: Phonotactics and Consonant Clusters

I. Syllable
Phonetically, a syllable always contains a centre which is comparatively loud and which involves little or no obstruction to airflow.
Some terms that’s are often used to describe the syllable are PEAK for the centre, ONSET for less loud and/or more turbulent sounds preceding the peak, ad CODA for less loud and/or more turbulent sounds following the peak. The peak and coda together (if the syllable has a coda) are called the RHYME. In a syllable that has no coda, the peak is also the rhyme. A diagram commonly used to illustrate the structure of the syllable is shown in figure. Onset and coda are shown in parentheses because they are optional elements[1].


v  Structure of the syllable

clip_image001      Onset

            The segmental structure of a syllable begins with an onset, followed by a rime or final.
Syllable: C1 (C2) V1 (V2) (C3) (C4) = onset: C1 (C2) + rime: V1 (V2) (C3) (C4).
Syllable: V1 (V2) (C3) (C4) = onset: ø (null) + rime: V1 (V2) (C3) (C4)
(C= consonant, V = Vowel, optional components are in parentheses)
Depending on the Phonotactics of a language, the onset can consist of a single consonant of a consonant cluster or be null[2].
clip_image001      Rime structure


            C                                 a                                  t
            S                                  I                                   ng

            The simple model of syllable structure divides each syllable into on optional onset, an obligatory nucleus, and an optional coda. The illustration to the right demonstrative this model with the English words cat and sing[3].
clip_image001      Syllable nucleus/ peak
Cat [kæt]
Bed [bed]
Ode [oυd]
Beet [bit]
Bite [ baIt]
Rain [reIn]

            In phonetics and phonology, the nucleus (sometimes called peak) is the central part of the syllable, most commonly a vowel. In addition to a nucleus, a syllable may begin with an onset and end with a coda, but in most languages the only part of a syllable that is mandatory is the nucleus. The nucleus and coda form the rime of the syllable[4].




                Approximately language tests can be categorized according to four main approaches to testing. They are: The Essay-Translation Approach, The Structuralist Approach, The Integrative Approach and The Communicative Approach. The model of every approach using in testing will be discussed as follows.

1. The Essay-Translation Approach

a. The Characteristic and Types of Test of Essay-Translation Approach:
v  This approach is commonly referred to as the pre-scientific stage of language testing.
v  No special skill or expertise in testing is required.
v  Tests usually consist of essay writing, translation, and grammatical analysis.
v  Tests have a heavy literary and cultural bias.
v  Public examinations resulting from the tests using this approach sometimes have an oral component at upper intermediate and advance levels.
b. The Strengths of Essay-Translation Approach:
v  This approach is easy to do due to the reason that teachers will simply use their subjective judgment.
v  The Essay-Translation Approach may be use for testing any levels of testees.
v  The model of tester can easily be modified based on the essential of the tests.
c. The Weakness of Essay-Translation Approach:
v   Subjective judgment of the teacher tends to make bias.
v  As mentioned, the tests have a heavy literary and cultural bias.

2. The Structuralist Approach

a. The Characteristic and Types of Test of Structuralist Approach:
v  This approach views that language learning is chiefly concerned wit a systematic acquisition of a set of habit.
v  The Structural Approach involves structural linguistics in which the importance of constructive analysis and the need to identify and measure the learners’ mastery of the separate elements of the target language such as phonology, vocabulary, and grammar.
v  In testing the skill of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are separated from another as much as possible.
b. The Strengths of Structuralist Approach:
v  In testing pupils’ capability this approach may objectively and surely be used by tester.
v  Many forms of test can be cover.
v  Many forms of tests can be covered in the test in short time.
v  This approach using in testing will helping pupils to find their strength and weakness in the every skill they studied.
c. The Weakness of Structuralist Approach:
v  It tends to be a complicated job for teacher to prepare questionnaires this approach.
v  By using this approach we will never consider that it is better to measure integrated skills that to measure non-integrated skills.



                        English is an international language, the ability to communicate in English is very important in global area. English takes up a very important position in almost any sectors of use such as business, commerce, the academic field, technology, the diplomatic circle and etc. 
                        In Indonesia, English is as the foreign language that is not used everyday. They may only acquire English from the formal school with the big class. The short and limited frequency of the meeting, leak of teaching learning English instrument is a compulsory subject which should be mastered by students. They are expected to be able to read, speak, listen, and write in English around which have been selected based their development and interest. They are also expected to comprehend oral and written expression to achieve this objective; the teacher should develop the four language skills; listening, reading, speaking and writing.
                        By using English for many purpose and postural context students, can develop their skills for expressing their thoughts, feeling and experiences using spoken or written English fix in order to explore their relationship between individual in the international access faced knowledge’s word, ideas and value in English.
                        Based on the statement above, the writers conclude that speaking is useful skill for students, for example students can do many things such as getting a good job, creating job by themselves such as being a guide an interpreter or teaching in course.
                        Most of junior high school has a low social economy, especially in English subject, they seem uninterested, they think it is difficult and make bored. Besides, the situation of their social didn’t support. They are more interested in parochial school. This makes the result of English teaching learning process becomes poor. More over in speaking class, student always feels afraid to express their ideas, suggestion or their feeling. They are afraid to be laughed if they make mistakes in their speaking.
                        Based on the condition an unsupported environment at the student above, the writer has an imagination about the way to develop their motivation and awareness, of how important English especially speaking, for their social, study and future of live.
                        As a result according to this situation, how can the teacher make them more interest in studying English?. Simulation game can be used as an alternative to motivate speaking learning. By Simulation game, the players practice to discuss and express their idea. Sociologically, simulation game is a real description of human living miniature. The roles of this game are suitable with education messages.
                        In relation to this observation, the purpose of this study is to improve the student interest in learning English, especially for ninth year students of junior high school. The writers hope the simulation game can be use as a daily life, for their future.
                        From this paper, the written hope this technique is useful for student, teachers and for the school. The advantages of the study for students with this game are the student can study in happiness situation and not feel that they are in learning process, they can practice to control them selves, especially about their being frightened to speak and to express.


Home Health Aide Training - The Facts

Home health aide training services are growing in demand nowadays because of the increasing urge of professionals to concentrate on their work life which makes them unable to concentrate on the needs of their aging parents or relatives. Home health aide training services are in demand like never before and we would in this article look at some of the facts and details relating to home health aide training.
These home health aide training services providers are basically those people who provide training in routine services like personal health care, bathing, dressing, grooming, etc. to elderly people or people who are unable to do these things themselves. If such services are provided to a patient then the services can be even provided at a hospital. But it does not matter whether the home health aide training services are provided in the house or at the hospital, a practicing nurse will always be supervising or having a check on the home health aide training services provider.
These training services are provided over a period of time and if these are undergone for some weeks or months, then it would be a great advantage for people who would get into the job market seeking employment. Though getting such jobs does not require any kind of formal education, the law states that the person should have taken at least seventy five hours of classroom and practical training under the supervision of a registered nurse to claim him or herself eligible for the job.
There are various institutions which are providing these home health aide training services and some of them include vocational schools, community colleges, health care agencies, etc. The things that the people who go to learn here are not only medical-related but at times they will also have to do some pretty ordinary work like washing the clothes and getting the laundry done, washing the dishes, preparing food for people, etc. These are all different aspects of the training and if the person takes this home health aide training seriously, then he or she would be able to answer any questions relating to nutrition, cleanliness and house keeping.
Having got the training is not good enough to get a job in the health industry. There are some other things required as well. They are good physical health, nice pleasing personality and most importantly the commitment and passion for serving people. All those people who are successful in this field are the ones who have not only seen this profession as a job but have also seen it as a paid opportunity to serve people and fulfill their basic daily needs.
There are lots of centers which provide such training and it is not necessary that the quality of training provided at each and every center should be of the same standard. Therefore, it would be advisable that you pick and choose your training centers before deciding on a particular home health aide training provider. This will ensure that you are well trained and well suited for the job in the future.
David has been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his latest website that helps people find the best certified nurses assistant courses and the best home health aide training that can help people further or begin their career in the health industry.

Daily Exercise Routine For Health and Fitness

There is so much to do in ones daily routine, that finding time to exercise has become almost next to possible. But it is possible. There are a list of things one can do without even coming close to disrupting the daily routine. Exercise doesn't only consist of spending time in the gym or jogging. Every day things can be transformed into a way to get a good workout and still be able to carry on with your daily routine. If you follow these simple steps, it will be as if you were at the gym all along. Others will be confused on how good of shape you are in and wonder what you do to achieve it.
The very most important thing one can do immediately after a rise and shine is stretch. Stretch, stretch, stretch. It only takes two minutes of your time and the benefits are well worth it in the long run. You will feel better as you move throughout the day going about your daily routine. The pain that's usually felt after a long busy day will subside and keep you going strong.
Purchase a doorway pull-up bar and install it in a bedroom door opening. They're easy to install and safe. Every morning after you stretch, do a couple pull ups on the way to the bathroom. Throughout the morning of getting ready for your daily routine, do a couple of pull-ups each time you come to pass the doorway with the pull-up bar. The more you do it the better and easier it gets, and it doesn't take any time away from your normal schedule. Doing pull-ups is an excellent way to build and tone the upper-body muscles, and fitting them into your day will bring quick and satisfying results.
If you catch yourself standing around do some light twists. You'll be relieving any built up stress on your body that has accumulated throughout the day. The more you do the better you'll feel. And you're getting a good exercise while working the muscles one normally overlooks in their daily activities, causing uncomfortable aches and pains towards the end of the day. There are many ways and good ideas how one can exercise and still go about their daily routine. Stretch, lift, twist. These three simple tips can easily be put into use, even in a tight schedule. You'll notice the change quickly and feel the difference, knowing that you can indeed stay in shape while not interfering with your daily routine.
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