Hallo mate netter ... this time I will try to explain to my friend about what it Technorati? Technorati is one of the largest blog directories today. And function, in addition to being a blog directory, technorati can also function asblogsearch , tags aggregator , and online bookmarks . In addition, by registering our blog at Technorati can increase your blog traffic, and we can determine a website / blog which is linking back to us and many other distinctions.
To find out who is who link to us, the way is easy that my friend only need to register his blog athttp://www.technorati.com . Later my friend will be given unique code token must publish through the post to my friend technorati admin in order to verify the blog / website on technorati how buddy buddy for just about technorati article continues my friend code unique token input given by admin technorati used during mate do claim blog / website my friend to verify the existence of your blog / website to technorati buddy as my token unique code examples are: DWA4DRD8X5GB
By becoming a member of their site then later my friend will know anyone who has ever posted a link to your blog, is easy enough ..., which mate only just write the name of the site / blog into their search engine. For example, my friend please visit the site briefly http://www.technorati.com , if it had been on the site please write my blog's URL is >>>> http://mahmud09-action.blogspot.com/ , then click button Search then automatically it will show the sites / blogs who link to this blog. , And I suggest to my friend to register your blog in Technorati. With the existence of the blog site / web url on technorati course we will get a backlink from these sites, also hoping to get visitors from the community of bloggers who joined in Technorati.
If my friend interested to register their blogs on Technorati, the following steps - steps:
1. Sign in Technorati membership account by clicking the Join on the right top:

2. Fill out a form with complete buddy to technorati profile data, do not forget to check the dialog box "I agree to Abide by Technorati's privacy policy and terms of use", then click the join,
3. Next bloggers are required to confirm your account via email, open the email up here buddy. In the inbox contained an email from Technorati open the email and click the link provided. The image below is an example of the email comfirmasi technorati
- By clicking the link bloggers will be redirected back to the Technorati site. Login enter your username and password in accordance with the data that has been previously made my friend.
4. Login kehalaman pal account profile, in the My profile page complete the form there, or go directly to the " start a blog claim "box under my profile image. fill in the complete url site / blog and click on claim. A few moments later a thumbnail will appear on the site mate.
- Continue by pressing the Check Claim . Until this step is of course the site has not been verified and we stated at the time pal pal click Claim Check Claim Token will be given a number, which is a code that should be published on a post buddy. Example code: DWA4DRD8X5GB buddy asked bloggers publish code DWA4DRD8X5GB
To claim ownership of this blog, my friend will be asked to create a post that contains the code:DWA4DRD8X5GB . In order to check the Technorati code (do crawling ) and then claim ownership of this blog is, after finding the code in question. It would be very strange if I publish an article containing only writing " DWA4DRD8X5GB " alone, therefore, might as well make a post on Technorati how to list , anyway in this post are also required by code to process claims Technorati blog.
5. Sign in to your account or your blog site, make a post that contains the given token technorati code and immediately publish or publish. Back to Technorati account, do check Claim. If successful a message will appear (We have successfully crawled your blog and found the claim token, and your claim is now awaiting review) , thereby verifying the token technorati steps have been successful, pending a review of the Technorati.
Done already signed up steps in Technorati. If the claiming process is successful, the display will change.
If my friend wants to increase visitors to the blog please list on Technorati , and publish codes Technorati requested by the parties to the process of claiming . Good luck ....., good luck ....!