

                        English is an international language, the ability to communicate in English is very important in global area. English takes up a very important position in almost any sectors of use such as business, commerce, the academic field, technology, the diplomatic circle and etc. 
                        In Indonesia, English is as the foreign language that is not used everyday. They may only acquire English from the formal school with the big class. The short and limited frequency of the meeting, leak of teaching learning English instrument is a compulsory subject which should be mastered by students. They are expected to be able to read, speak, listen, and write in English around which have been selected based their development and interest. They are also expected to comprehend oral and written expression to achieve this objective; the teacher should develop the four language skills; listening, reading, speaking and writing.
                        By using English for many purpose and postural context students, can develop their skills for expressing their thoughts, feeling and experiences using spoken or written English fix in order to explore their relationship between individual in the international access faced knowledge’s word, ideas and value in English.
                        Based on the statement above, the writers conclude that speaking is useful skill for students, for example students can do many things such as getting a good job, creating job by themselves such as being a guide an interpreter or teaching in course.
                        Most of junior high school has a low social economy, especially in English subject, they seem uninterested, they think it is difficult and make bored. Besides, the situation of their social didn’t support. They are more interested in parochial school. This makes the result of English teaching learning process becomes poor. More over in speaking class, student always feels afraid to express their ideas, suggestion or their feeling. They are afraid to be laughed if they make mistakes in their speaking.
                        Based on the condition an unsupported environment at the student above, the writer has an imagination about the way to develop their motivation and awareness, of how important English especially speaking, for their social, study and future of live.
                        As a result according to this situation, how can the teacher make them more interest in studying English?. Simulation game can be used as an alternative to motivate speaking learning. By Simulation game, the players practice to discuss and express their idea. Sociologically, simulation game is a real description of human living miniature. The roles of this game are suitable with education messages.
                        In relation to this observation, the purpose of this study is to improve the student interest in learning English, especially for ninth year students of junior high school. The writers hope the simulation game can be use as a daily life, for their future.
                        From this paper, the written hope this technique is useful for student, teachers and for the school. The advantages of the study for students with this game are the student can study in happiness situation and not feel that they are in learning process, they can practice to control them selves, especially about their being frightened to speak and to express.

            According to Windows (1978: 38) in Abidin (2008: 2006) says, speaking a productive rather than receptive and operates through the aural rather than the visual medium. Windows adds that speaking for the manifestation or language as usage and refers to the realization of language as use spoken interaction as talking.
                        Speaking knows teacher and student have tied reading translation and analysis as way to enter language, there are partial experience the student does not knows sentence until they speak it. When students red aloud they have manipulated only part of language, according to Jackson Hanna in Maula (1996: 59).
                        According to Murcia in Abidin (2001: 103) says that speaking in activity requiring the integration sub system. There entire factors combine to make speaking second or foreign language learners. Yet many people, speaking are seen as central skills. On the other word, speaking is integrated from pronunciation, complex structure and vocabulary.
                        Speaking ability is described as the ability to express one self in life situations. On the ability to report acts of situations in prose words, or the ability to converse or to express a sequence of ideas fluently, Lado (1961: 240), this is because most students want to be able to speak English after they have graduated from junior high school in order to communicate with a foreigner, or continuous their study.
                        Keith and Morrow (1981: 70) define: “Speaking ability is an activity to produce utterances in oral communication, this activity is involving two or more people, in which the participants are both speaker and hearer have to react in what they hear and make their contribution of high speed, so that each participant has an intention or a set of intention that he want.
                        Speaking is one of the four inseparable language skills, listening, reading, and writing. In communicative and the goal of language, teaching is to develop communicative competence, according to Richard (1996: 6) in Setyaputri (2004: 12).
                        Drs. Maidar G. Arsjad and his friends (1984: 17) said that: “ Kemampuan berbicara adalah kemampuan mengungkapkan bunyi-bunyi artikulasi atau mengucapkan kata-kata untuk mengekspresikan, menyatakan pikiran, gagasan dan perasaan”.
      To teach speaking well, a teacher is advised to remember the following:
1.      Try to know the student interest, as privations, and how they learn knowing the student individually is much better.
2.      A teacher has to know the students language level, except for beginners.
3.      If is available; a native speaker can be used as a model.
4.      Jenrich student’s experience with various concepts for speaking.
5.      Give cultural background, pragmatism, and kinesis used in.
6.      Give a sense of progress to the students.
7.      Do not citizen too much on language and content.
8.      Encourage spontaneity.
9.      A teacher may change the sequence of topics from text books.
10.  Group students based on their ability and interest.
11.  Create relevant situation for practice.
                        According to Fachrurrazy (1993: 33) said that the target of speaking ability for foreign language teachers can be classified into three levels, namely:
  1. Minimal
                  This lowest target aims at an ability to talk on prepare topics to use common idioms. So, the language that used can be understood by native speakers.
  1. Good  
                  The target of this level is an ability to talk with a normal speech to native speakers without making glaring mistakes grammar and vocabulary.
  1. Excellent        
                  The highest target of speaking ability is when the learners can achieve near native speakers.
According to Heiton (1989) state that there are scale order in rating scales. The rating scale as below:
Ability To Communicate Orally
Excellent: on a par with an educated native speaker. Completely at ease in his use of English on all topics discussed.
85 -100
Very good: although he can’t speak like a native speaker, he expresses himself quite clearly. He experience little difficulty in understanding English, and there is no strain at all in communicating with him
70 - 85
Satisfactory verbal communication causing little difficulty for native speakers. He makes a limited number of errors grammar, lexis and pronunciation but he is still at ease in communicating on everyday subjects. He may hve to correct himself and re-pattern his utterance on occasions, but there is little difficulty in understanding him.
55 – 70
Although verbal communication is usually fairly satisfactory, the native speaker may occasionally experience some difficulty in communicating with him, repetition, re-phrasing and re-patterning are sometimes necessary, ordinary native speaker might find it difficult to communicate.
40 - 55
Much difficulty experienced by native speakers unaccustomed to “foreign” English. His own understanding is severally limited, but his communication in daily topics is possible. Large number of errors of phonology, grammar and lexis.
25 – 40
Extreme difficulty in communication on any subject, failure to understand adequately and to make understood himself.
10 - 25

                        Simulation is the game that uses cooperating learning method and discussion to make the student more active in teaching learning activity.
                        From the shape and its process, simulation game can be defined as the “monopoly” game. The process of the application is the same with “monopoly” game. The difference is in “monopoly” game, the player is practiced to think economically, and how to get advantages, while in.
                        By Simulation game, the players practice to discuss and express their idea. Sociologically, simulation game is a real description of human living miniature. The roles of this game are suitable with education messages.
                        To play simulation, there must be devices such as; the board made of paper of other thing that can be written or draw as we want such as in rectangle, circle, triangle, “s” shape, and so on; the card contain of education message, and the dice in order to point the steps.
                        The goal of simulation game are: it is a device to transfer the education message, making increasing the participation and creativity in learning process in their mind, family and their environment, as media which can change the players attitude such as frightener, unconfident and motivating the players to study diligently.
                        Simulation, according to Davidson and Gordon in Klipple (1992:121) “Simulation is simplified pattern of human interaction or social processes where the players participate in role”, that simulation can be used as a media teaching.
                        Simulation is the game that uses cooperating learning method and discussion to make the student more active in teaching learning activity.
                        From the shape and its process, simulation game can be defined as the “monopoly” game. The process of the application is the same with “monopoly” game. The difference is in “monopoly” game, the player is practiced to think economically, and how to get advantages, while in.
                        By Simulation game, the players practice to discuss and express their idea. Sociologically, simulation game is a real description of human living miniature. The roles of this game are suitable with education messages.
                        To play simulation, there must be devices such as; the board made of paper of other thing that can be written or draw as we want such as in rectangle, circle, triangle, “s” shape, and so on; the card contain of education message, and the dice in order to point the steps.
                        The goal of simulation game are: it is a device to transfer the education message, making increasing the participation and creativity in learning process in their mind, family and their environment, as media which can change the players attitude such as frightener, unconfident and motivating the players to study diligently.

                        Simulation game can be used as a media in speaking activity in the class. According to Morrow in freman (1981: 138) game is truly communicative, by using this game, it is expected that student will came into comfortable and enjoyable situation which they can actively interact with their friends using the target language without worrying making mistakes.
                        The purpose of this game, speaking learning process does not mainly find a true answer but it makes student have courage and little bit force to speak. Therefore, sometimes the members are not satisfied that the answer might completely disapprove. But, at least they can use English in the situational communication as if were a free man in free society.
                        By using the simulation game, student can do this activity happily, enjoyable and freely. By understanding of the instruction in the boxes student can express their opinion, their feeling and suggestion orally without fear or ridicule from the class or chastisement from the teacher. Some fun instruction can support student to do this game actively. In fact, by using this game in speaking activity, students get their self-confidence and they can improve their speaking ability.
                        Students who have done the simulation game known that actually English is fun, and it is not frighten anymore. They can express their opinions and feelings without getting any difficulties anymore. They can increase their motivation to speak English without a shame and fear making mistakes. They can chat with their friends and their teacher. They are not worried anymore whether they will be laughed by someone else or not about their speaking.
                        Speaking learning process does not mainly find a true answer but it makes student have courage and little bit force to speak. Therefore, sometimes the members are not satisfied that the answer might completely disapprove. But, at least they can use English in the situational communication as if were a free man in free society.
                        The goal of simulation game are: it is a device to transfer the education message, making increasing the participation and creativity in learning process in their mind, family and their environment, as media which can change the players attitude such as frightener, unconfident and motivating the players to study diligently.
                        By using the simulation game, student can do this activity happily, enjoyable and freely. By understanding of the instruction in the boxes student can express their opinion, their feeling and suggestion orally without fear or ridicule from the class or chastisement from the teacher. Some fun instruction can support student to do this game actively. In fact, by using this game in speaking activity, students get their self-confidence and they can improve their speaking ability.


                    Abidin, Zaenal. 2005. Teaching Speaking by Using Contextual Teaching and Through Learning Community at the Third Years Students at SMA Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 2005/2006. Unpublished Thesis Unmuh Ponorogo.
                        Hadifield, Jill.1984. Harrap’s Communication Game: A Collection of Game and Activities for Elementary Students of English: G Harrap’s and Co. Australia Ltd.
                        Heaton, John Brian. 1989. Writing English Language Test: Longman Hand Books For Language Teachers. Longman Group (FG) Ltd.
                        Lado, Robert. 1961. Language Testing: Speaking a Foreign Language. George Town University.
                        Lado, Robert. 1961. Language Testing: Language as a System of Communication. George Town University.
                        Larse Freman, Diane. 1985. Technique and Principle in Language Teaching. Oxford University Press.
                        Wright, Andrew. 1989. Pictures for Languages Learning. London: Cambridge University Press.