Chapter III
A. Setting of the research

B. The Subject of the research
1. Participants : 19 Students of TK BI of TK Islam Al-Irsyad Madiun.
2. Position of research : Instructor Program
3. Collaborators : The research had other vocabulary teachers as the collaborators.
C. The Method of the research

D. Procedure of the study

§ Identifying initial idea
§ Reconnaissance:
- Describing the facts of the situation.
- Explaining the facts of the situation
§ Constucting the general planning
§ Action
§ Monitoring
§ Reflection
E. Data and source of the data

a. Event : the teaching learning process
b. Respondents : the students, teachers, and colleagues
c. Document : the result of the student work sheet
F. Technique of collecting data

G. Techniques of analysing data
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
This technique had 9 Steps:
- Identifying themes
- Coding surveys, interviews, and questionnaires
- Asking key questions
- Doing an organizational review
- Concept mapping
- Analysing antecedents and consequences
- Displaying findings
- Stating what’s missing
Chapter IV
Research Findings and Discussion
A. Preliminary Observation
Describe the various stages of activities
a. Initial reflection
b. Fact finding analysis
B. Report of Cycle One
1. Planning
2. Action of cycle one
a. Conducting game, using media and various interesting activities.
b. Questioning and answering
3. Observation
4. Reflection of cycle one
a. The strenghs and weakness of results
b. Recomendation
C. Report of Cycle Two
- Planning
- Action of cycle two
- Observation
- Reflection of cycle two
a. The strenghs and weakness of results
b. Recomendation
D. Discussion
The action has been implemented in two cycles
- The student got more about meaning of words they could classify the names of fruits, animals, professions, food, and appliances by conducting association dominoes.
- By telling story
E. Limitation of the researcher
The limitation this research was related to the time, facilities, and academic schedules.
Chapter V
Conclusion, Implications, and Suggetions
A. Conclusions
1. The changes in the English teaching and learning process
2. The changes happening to the students.
3. The changes happening to the classroom teachers.
4. The changes happening to the head master.
5. The changes happening to the researcher.
B. Implications
1. The more frequency of conducting various games.
2. Using various interesting activities through games could improve the students’ English vocabulary mastery.
3. The weakness such as the limited time, the students’ ability and motivation.
C. Suggestions
1. To the English teacher
To improve the quality of English teaching and learning process.
2. To the classroom teacher
To improve the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process in his/her class by using interesting study activities.
3. To the head master
To provide the required facilities to support the teaching and learning process, specially for improving the English vocabulary mastery.
4. To the researchers
The researcher hopes the other researchers should prepare the planning of the researcher well and develop some dimensions, which have been observed deeply.