
Natural Health Higher Education - The Ticket to a Successful Career in the Field of Health

Would you like to create a superior and truly fulfilling career as a holistic natural health professional, helping people to become truly healthy? Can you imagine yourself helping thousands of people while living your true purpose in life? Can you picture the joy and satisfaction this would bring to you and those you care about? My doctorate degree in Health and Natural Healing has made all of that a reality in my life.

The greatest preparation for becoming a highly effective health educator, counselor and/or doctor is the personal experience gained in overcoming illness and building new health via the tenets of natural health science. I was provided with this experience. Desperately searching for a solution to a long, devastating illness (ulcerative colitis), in 1983 I discovered a Doctor of Natural Hygiene, Dr. Laurence Galant. He eventually helped me resurrect and reclaim my life without medicine. With his assistance, and my studies of several Natural Hygiene books written by Drs. Herbert M. Shelton and T. C. Fry, I learned what I consider my primary life lessons.

Upon healing and creating a new healthful lifestyle, Dr. Galant urged me to take a natural health course. I ordered a course and studied it diligently, with no other purpose than health maintenance. The foundation for my knowledge of health science was laid by my study of that course, a few books by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton and magazines by Dr. T. C. Fry. I resumed my career in environmental engineering and didn't envision ever becoming a natural health counselor or doctor.

When I expressed to Dr. Galant my belief that there was no future for me in holistic natural health education, he said: "David, with your rare information and wisdom, some day people will be flocking to you for help-you'll be magnetic!" Still, I could not see it. But, from the moment I began my natural healing, I had a burning passion to shout out the healing wonders of Natural Hygiene to the entire world; I wanted everyone to overcome their suffering via natural living.

That passion simmered for years and, eventually, could not be contained. After I was laid off my last engineering job in 1992, health education became my new pursuit, and in 2006 my career was capped with a Ph.D. in Natural Healing and Health. My health counseling career exploded forth via that prestigious credentials, and I have made a good living as a self-employed natural health counselor and entrepreneur, even in these tough economic times. Dr. Galant was right!

You can create a truly rewarding career as a health professional, whether in the healing arts, as an educator, counselor, doctor or a combination of these. You can help those challenged with illness to become truly healthy and free of medical other therapeutic misadventures by understanding and exploiting their own self-healing powers. You can build up your practice to a level where people are flocking to you, even in lean economic times, because you've earned a reputation for helping a multitude of people effectively overcome disease without shortcuts, gimmicks, products or other delusional and expensive practices. You can help them resurrect their lives and feel new joie de vivre. You can feel great about a career wherein you truly help people, serving as a model for the best that a doctor can be. (Remember: the true definition of "doctor" is "teacher".)

If you are truly passionate about a career in the field of natural health, a proper education in health science will serve you well. You'll be highly effective in helping people become and stay well in comparison to those who only offer medicinal remedies.

Natural Hygiene is simply the one and only science of holistic natural health. It stands alone as the proven way to help people, because it is the study and application of the biological laws of Nature. This course of study is the most empowering and yields the best results. My clients love me because I teach the truth, they get results beyond their expectations, they save bundles of money, overcome suffering and sing new songs of joy. When we learn Nature's laws and provide our true requisites of health, we unerringly meet with healing success and create happy outcomes. Now, that's the hallmark of a truly excellent and fulfilling career!

by David Klein, Ph.D., H.D.
By David Klein, Ph.D.
Director of the Colitis & Crohn's Health Recovery Center
Sebastopol, California, USA


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._David_M._Klein


Health Education And Awareness - Every Church Should Have It

I can remember the prayer lines that would always form in the church when the leader or guest speaker would offer prayers for the sick. The people who stood in the prayer lines were mainly the elderly then; as I fast forward to the late nineties and these present years, those in the prayer lines for some ailment are younger as compared to years before. High blood pressure and diabetes were among the most commonly mention ailments that I would hear about when people would mention their prayer requests.

Are we risking our good healthy by the things we choose to put into our bodies? What do I mean? Eating foods that are just plain unhealthy, is surly to have some effect on our present and future health. I remember when the older men and women in the church would say to the younger, "you need a little meat on those bones". They were making reference to you eating more so that you could gain a little weight. Eating more of what? Well, as I grew up, it consisted fried foods, mashed potatoes, candied yams, greens, pork chops, banana pudding, macaroni and cheese and much more. Yes, that good home cooking was great, but it was killing us at the same time. Too much sugar, too much starch, too much salt and fat was increasing the waistlines of families and many became overweight and unhealthy...by the choices they made. It seems that church members though little if anything about eating right and taking vitamins and supplements.

I grew up in the church, I realized that I could not nor did I want to eat just anything in excess because I could see the physical outcome of those who did. Many in the church were suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and many other ailments possibly caused by poor diets. Health education and awareness should be a part of the many weekly services in places of worship.

While the church will teach tithing, salvation and baptism, there was no mention of eating right and getting plenty of rest. Sure, everybody has the personal responsibility to take care of themselves, eat right and get the needed rest to stay healthy, but taking a look at the prayer lines in many of our churches and the prayer list in the back of church programs, it seems we are an unhealthy people. Something needs to be done to educate the people of God about taking care of themselves so we can decrease the numbers in the prayer lines because we simple do not take good care of ourselves.

There are those who have a genuine medical condition and there are those of us who can control our eating habits but, we choose not to. Many others choose to eat certain foods that contribute to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and much more. Teaching parishioners how to eat healthy can begin at the church. Often times, when the church service dismisses, churches will patronize local eateries and restaurants and consume fast foods, fatty foods and ignore the health risks by maintaining a diet high in fat, salt and sugars and other additives. When church members show up in the prayer line asking the preacher to ask God to help with the high blood pressure, the church can educate.

How can we be effective in the ministry and service of God, if we do not maintain the temple He resides in? That temple is you.
Nathaniel Lewis invites you to visit Going Against The Grain at: http://www.GoingAgainstTheGrain.org where you will find hundreds of thought provoking and inspiring articles. You can find out more about this author at: http://NathanielLewis.info. Please feel free to comment to this article or any article on our blog. Thanks for reading, hope to hear from you soon!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nathaniel_Lewis

Mental Health Issues Can Often Be Supported And Helped By The Education System

The educational system can sometimes be the best source of help and support for persons who suffer from mental illness. Many sufferers do not know what resources are available to them. They have often been given incorrect information while growing up. Because education continues to advance and change, it is important that people stay informed.

Individuals who have a mental illnesses should see a therapist. If they are educated, their chances of finding hope and selecting a therapist who is qualified increase. Mental health professionals continue to look for answers in order to treat their patients better. Just because a diagnosis has been made does not mean it is the correct diagnosis.

Diagnoses may conflict, although each relates to either a chemical or biological or psychological condition of the mind. In order to get help, individuals with mental illnesses must understand what they are facing, rather than simply trust others to tell them what is wrong. If these individuals look for information about mental health, they may even find their own answers and be able to inform the professionals that are helping them so they can develop better treatments.

Counseling frequently involves nothing more than a common-sense strategy combined with education. Mental health professionals are constantly learning, while at the same time, applying established principles in their treatment programs. In the combination of common sense and education, an answer may be found.

Sometimes, the answer may be lost because professionals try to treat all their patients as if they have the same diagnosis. However, everyone is unique, including those with mental illnesses. Two people with the same condition may react differently when the same treatment is applied to both of them. The solution to this problem is to reevaluate each patient's situation and modify the treatment according to the individual patient's needs.

It is also critical for patients to reconcile some issues themselves. If they are guilty about something, for example, they should recognize that is may be because of something they did or said that may or may not have been wrong. Patients sometimes have to be re-educated about what is right and wrong in a particular situation.

Once patients have gained this realization, professionals may find it is best to re-educate them with experiences rather than words. If there are many resources for the patient to choose, they can learn to use their own capabilities to understand the right course of action. Education is key for instructing and reforming
To find more information about education and how the system can help and support people with mental health issues [http://total-education.com/mental-health-and-education.php] visit [http://total-education.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scotie_Keithlow


Mental Health Continuing Education - Is Distance Learning Right For You?

For many people who choose mental health continuing education, distance learning is an attractive option. You're not 18 anymore, and now you've got an entire LIFE to coordinate. These programs are tailored to people who work, have families and are otherwise engaged in everyday things. However, it's not for everybody. First, let's look at the advantages of distance learning for mental health continuing education; then, we'll consider some of the disadvantages.

You Can Study When And Where You Want. These courses allow you to log in at any time and do your coursework. This is really convenient for those of us with busy schedules. You can also study anywhere, which means that you don't have to spend time traveling to and from school. It's just a matter of turning on your computer wherever you are.

Save Money As Well As Time. You may also find yourself spending less money with distance learning. You can get your mental health continuing education coursework done without having to spend the money on traveling, attending seminars, eating lunch on campus and other things.

Focus Your Time To Use It More Effectively. In a normal classroom setting, you have to sit through the lecture, even if you've already covered it. With distance learning, you move at your own pace, which means that you can skip over things that you've already studied or that don't pertain to you.

These are the reasons so many people choose distance learning for their mental health continuing education course, but you should be aware that there are some downsides too:

The Technology Can Be Tricky. To make your lectures, discussions and tests, you've got to have a computer that's capable of running all the necessary programs. You also need a certain speed and memory capability. Sometimes, upgrading or getting the necessary software presents challenges you weren't expecting, as well as added costs.

Planning And Time Management. For some people, distance learning isn't such a good idea. It takes a certain kind of discipline to make all of your assignments and take care of all the little things, especially if you've also got a job to think about. You have to be good at planning and time management, and even though you don't have to show up for tests, the deadlines are serious. There are also lots of other little things to remember, like posting to discussion threads.

Teach Yourself. Distance learning is a little bit like teaching yourself. If you're doing a mental health continuing education course through distance learning, you've got to be a self-starter.

No Direct Access. Another disadvantage is that you don't get to actually meet your instructors or classmates. This can be a big turn-off for students who need that face-to-face contact.

You can get your mental health continuing education certification in a real classroom or through distance learning. Consider the pros and cons of each before you make a decision. You might want to talk with someone who has done a distance learning course for further advice.
Choose to learn more about mental health continuing education from a reliable source. For more information, visit http://www.psychotherapynetworker.org 



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